Vidding meme

Jul 21, 2009 11:50

First seen from charmax. Looks like this meme's now making the rounds today. :)

Your software:
Currently, Sony Vegas 6. I haven't found a good enough reason to upgrade yet. I got my start with Ulead VS 10, and I still ♥ its mask transitions. The SMLuminance transition comes close, but not quite.

Favourite video:
Glorious because Rose, Martha, and Donna are all awesome, and I loved being able to show that in a vid. Black Market and Nothing Else Matters are a close second and third. I'm a sucker for instrumental overviews.

Least favourite video:
Uh, probably the fourth vid I've ever made. *shudders*

A video that got surprisingly good feedback, but you are not completely satisfied with it:
This one's hard to answer because I eventually find something in pretty much every vid that makes me *facepalm*. I guess I'll go with Walking With a Ghost because it got more feedback than I was expecting given the quirky nature of the vid.

A video you like a lot that didn't get the good reaction you were expecting:
My Sweet Charity vid, You're Not Alone. I suppose the song and vid style aren't for everyone. I dunno.

Best song/video combo (the song you chose was just perfect for the theme):
Glorious. Plus, I think the space-y nature of Muse's song goes especially well with Doctor Who. :D

Video you had the most fun with:
Hands down, Anything the Doctor Can Do with jagwriter78. It took me so long to get my half done partly because I was laughing too damn much. And then seeing what Jag came up with for her part was just incredibly fun and amazing. I Think I'm a Clone Now comes in second.

Video you had trouble editing because of the song:
You're Not Alone, again. Those lyrics and those beats were tricky, and keeping it all Rose POV as per request was also not easy.

A video you'd like to remaster:
Black Market, if only to get rid of those black bars, but that vid is way long, and I'd have to go back to Ulead to fix anything in it which is a scary thought.

Most inspired sequence you made:
The sequence that goes with the lyrics "It rockets through the universe/It fuels the lies, it feeds the curse" in Glorious. OH! And the climax for Nothing Else Matters.

Movie/show you have most enjoyed using for a video:
Surprisingly, Ashes to Ashes. There's just so much built-in movement and color that make it so easy and fun to vid. The Club Vivid vid I did this year came together pretty fast because of that, and it's killing me here waiting to post it.

Pet peeves (stuff you often see around in vids that makes you go wtf):
I think charmax said something along the lines of trends in vidding. I'm all for trying to duplicate styles and effects because it's a great way to learn new tricks, but only when they actually fit the vid. Though I suppose it is a matter of opinion of when styles and effects fit a vid.

-The CW logo (I'm guilty of this one, but I fixed it. ;))

-Funky aspect ratios (Also guilty of this one, but I've since learned what not to do.)

See all my vids here.

meme, vidding stuff

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