(no subject)

Mar 09, 2009 11:57

So yesterday I caught a cold. Friday I went to the gym for about half an hour (I got hungry and a little dizzy so I didn't do much weight lifting, just cardioi). Saturday I did some cleaning including a bit of vacuuming. Sunday I woke up with a sore throat and by sunday evening had a runny nose and a cough. Was planning on going to work to day to sicken up my coworkers, but when I peeled my eyes open this morning (after a night of no sleep), it was 1030 and I figured "why bother?" So I am sitting here at my still fairly messy apartment blowing my nose like the world is about to end but with the porch door open to catch the nice weather and breeze. This cold could have come about from the wacky weather. Last week, 9 degrees F and 8 inches of snow. Today, 70 degrees and sunny.

It's crazy I tell you!
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