Nov 16, 2009 12:35
It feels like it's been a while since I had a really lovely weekend, but this was indeed one.
Saturday was Kingdom A & S it was also Ethan's birthday party. Ethan is Michaela's little guy he's Bradon's age and thay are good buds. This initially cause some concern as Michala's place is the opposite direction from the event. Michaela kindly offered for Bradon to sleep over Friday night though, so he could be at the party and then Tanya and I could go to the event. An offer we very much appreciated.
So after spending my friday wandering around the city w. Bradon having various adventures, we packed up our stuff and drove off to Michaela's. We spent the evening hanging out w. Michaela puitting children to bed and generally having a lovely time.
Tanya and I as well spent the night out there and then got up the next morning and took off for the event. Amazingly we actually left when we intended to rather than half an hour later.
Kingdom A&S was a fabulous event. It is a rare treat to do an event child free and we enjoyed it. The highlight of the day, for me anyway, was belting the green belt on to my wife as Masters Corwyn And Domhnail finally took Tanya on as an apprentice. It's only been eight years they've been teaching her to carve Bone & Horn. It was a lovely presentation w. many good friends to share in it.
The rest of the day I spent kibitzing w. Evan & various other people, napping and fighting not necessarily in that order. First time I've actually napped at a day event apparently pictures were taken of Sir Konrad and I feet up and asleep in the corner. I kind of wonder if I missed anything but I suspect mostly what was missed was people being amused at myself and Sir Konrad's unconciousnes.
There were not a lot of people there fighting but that was probably o.k. as I am still fighting the last vestiges of the Sinus infection and Hamthrax that has laid me low these past few weeks.
On Friday night I made a new sword as my old was brooming and becoming more tape than rattan at the end. I had been finding myself having difficulty swinging it in close fights and it has been feeling clumsy in my hands latel. So I made the new sword about three inches shorter than my last.
Wow! what a difference three inches makes. I had a lot more point control and my sword was much faster and more precise. My offside shots were quicker and more accurate and I was able to get under people's shields and leg them as my shots were so much faster. Quite honestly I had no business fighting as well as I did given how long it's been. About the only flaw was the loss of range. Four or five times I got this great drop thrust in on Varenko but because I am used to the longer swords it just tickeled his chest rather than hitting solidly, kind of annoying you know. Still my fights w. Varenko were better than usual, which is to say he didn't just beat me up as he usually does in practice and I had a heck of a good series of fights we. Mistress Kaylah, probably going 50/50 w. her by the end. I had couple of other short fights but had to quit early as my energy levels just weren't up to a long day in armour. I did have too many armour failures for one day though. Streonwald helped me fix my shield, thanks, I broke my half gauntlet and had to repair it, and my left leg armnour was held together w. duct tape. Clearly I need to spend some time in a shop re evaluatng my kit. Most of it has been the same for years and should probably be repaired if not replaced.
That evening we went to dinner w. a bunch of friends off site and had a lovely time. It is so good to spend time w. friends not often seen lately.
Michaela offered to keep Mr Man over night 'til Sunday and would meet us at Peter's party Sunday night to return him and Tanya and I took her up on that. Sunday morning we spent sleeping in, no kids, and purging things from our wardrobe we no longer want/fit or need. then we went out and had a day that felt suspiciously like a date, with my wife no less. We had crepes at a little French diner, wandered through bookstores, had a few drinks in a pub and and walked allover downtown and the annex just talking and enjoying the day. Then we wne to Peter's Birthday party, picked up Bradon and spent some time wirth more friends, too short sadly, but we had to get home to be there when Kyla got back from her dad's house.
I am still tired from all the walking and fighting and such but I had a really nice weekend I must say.