A fighting post

Sep 11, 2009 15:05

28 at Skeldergate last night, pretty awesome.

Sadly yours truly forgot to take his asthma medication until after he had his armour on so I spent most of my fighting sucking wind. (I should take it about an hour before strenuous physical activity.) Still fought, Mike or Geoff2, still haven't got the new guys figured out yet, Dietrich from Ramshaven, Eoin, MAster Worgon and Bjarn. Not bad for an old fat guy who couldn't breathe properly until the end of the evening.

My fight w. Mike or Geoff2 was a warmup fight and I mostly felt sloppy and out of control. It was fun but not worth noting in any way save that last time I fought his defense was much poorer than it is now. Good for him. Dietrich was mostly a cardio workout for me and a lesson in shield mechanics for him. That fight ended early after the third time I lay a flat snap straight across both his legs just above his knees. If your reading this Sir Konrad or Kol take him out and re-strap his heater for him, get rid of that gauntlet as well so his hand can tighten up on the back of the shield, he's way out of position all the time because of the shield itself not his lack of skill.

Eoin was fun fight he's quick and mobile which I really like. I was chewing him up w. a dropthrust, high guard to a belly thrust. Don't really know if that's me being fast or him out of position but still was nice. I still felt sloppy like I didn't have as much control on my sword as I should though.

Master Worgon is a lesson in frustration. His defense is so tight it's really tough to hit him. I got him a couple of times usually just plain lucky thrusts and once a beautiful fake that smoked his hip, wish I could do that regularly. Once he's hipped he's a lot easier to fight. Mostly fighting him I realize I need to be faster and get more point control, and did I mention faster.

I ended the night with a good long fight w. Bjarn. As usual we doubled a lot. My game didn't really hit a point I was happy with until that fight. He takes a lot of energy and you have to keep the pressure up. I found myself seeing his closing in shots and pulling shots in tight to land on his shoulder/neck instead of snapping his head. I know tough to describe but lets just say I was seeing openings and able to change my shot mid throw to capitalise on them. That pleased me.

Still between him and Worgon I have bruises on both shoulders, my left thigh and my right right side upper ribs.

My neck hurts from Worgon's wraps and that firmly takes me out of crown this fall. Next spring I guess. I just need more time to heal. Otherwise I feel good today. Also nice given how hard I fought last night.

Need to make a new sword I think all the tape at the top is part of why it feels so point heavy. It's brooming badly and been taped up too much to compensate.

Gotta go get the boy from school.
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