have I changed?!?

Sep 28, 2005 09:00

something strange has been happening recently that makes me feel as though as a person, I've changed. There's this guy and he is totally obsessed with me. He's really romantic and all which I suppose is lovely-and he keeps on telling me all these things that a few months ago would have made me feel great about myself etc. However, these days, I'm finding it a real turn off and keep having to make excuses for myself and walk away or turn my phone off. It's probably a good thing that I'm feeling this...won't get me into any trouble!

anyway, there was also a dream I've had recently about a good friend of mine. He's lovely but there's now way anything would happen between us cos we messed that up a few years ago. However, when I've been around him, there's been that look. Before I had the dream, I ignored feelings. Pushed them aside and just got on with it. However, is my dream my subconscience telling me that it's all for real? nah, that sounds stupid- a dream telling you it's real...slightly contradictory don't you think?

ok, I suppose I ought to quit thinking huh? it hurts too much! (and Becky, please don't ask who either of these people are...you'd only roll your eyes and sigh at me!!!!!)
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