Right, not to start a flame war, but I've left the usually interesting
dw_britglish because I don't really want to hang out with a bunch of imperialist apologists. (of both the British and US American varieties, by the by.)
If I ever needed an illustration of how little the impact of the British Empire on former colonies is currently understood by white people, I just got it. You can be interested in British culture without supporting all historical (and, frankly, current) decisions that hurt people or white-washing over the bad parts.
Yes, I am white and from the US, but, to take a turn of phrase from my relatives, that ain't no reason to be fuckin' IGNORANT.
That is all, carry on.
(PS: This isn't just Britain, either. Anyone who knows me knows I will gladly air US dirty laundry. It just didn't come up.)
ETA: The pertinent post has been deleted. [snort]
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