Stepping back from the WisCon thing because I said my piece yesterday and today others have said things much more amazingly. e.g.
So. Racism in Inception fic, which
other people (bossymarmalade and the link she has in the post) take on far better than I can., okay? No. Also, racism in the UK is a big big problem and not something that ends up cheekily in 'jokes'.
(By the way, why does everyone cream their pants over Eames? Seriously, I'm the only person in the universe who thought Tom Hardy was hotter as Shinzon and even then...bleh.
Oh wait, it's the White Guys Trope All slash meme again, never mind.
Yes, A/E fen on my lists, I'm overgeneralising for the sake of my point, but the point's still valid.)
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