Jul 13, 2013 11:50
I had one of those dreams last night where you find rooms you never knew existed through a door in a place you used to live. This time, however, it was my parents' house. The odd thing was that I was dreaming about it in its current state where all the rooms had been cleared by the Evil Bitch. I've never been in the house when it was like that. The only time I recall it being empty was when we first moved there, with lino on the floor and a hall carpet of an odd shade of orangey-red.
This time it was as I had seen it in the photos I had accidentally stumbled across in May when I discovered to my horror that the Evil Bitch had already cleared and sold it without giving me the opportunity to get any mementos. It's all gone now, the candlesticks that always sat on the sideboard, the delicate little glasses that my parents got out every Hogmanay, the many, many things that I recall from my childhood, including things that belonged to my grandparents. Wee bits and pieces which would mean nothing to anyone but myself. All gone, courtesy of the Evil Bitch.
I found myself upstairs in the house and instead of a door to other rooms it was more of a shift in the way you looked at certain parts. Sometimes you would see the entrance to other rooms, sometimes not. And it wasn't just one room, it was a whole suite with a lift going between floors. In these rooms I found the things that the Evil Bitch had overlooked. I was trying to put them into a rucksack when I became aware that she was downstairs. In order to leave the house I had to get back into the real one from the other rooms and of course I couldn't allow her to discover me nor the other rooms. I could hide in the other rooms and watch where she was. I did eventually get out but was aware that (as in real life) I had left behind any number of mementos that I couldn't take.
I guess this dream was sparked off by my finding a footstool in the street yesterday which was the same as one which had been in my parents house. I decided to adopt it as a useful footstool. I remember my grandfather giving the original stool to my parents and now I have one to replace the one disposed of by the Evil Bitch. I'm also using this weekend to work through and clear out the shite in my flat which has been getting in my way and annoying me for several years. I've been going through boxes which haven't been opened in years but were simply dumped in odd places. Some things are simply useless and are binned, some things are useful. But I won't know what's what until I go though it all. it's difficult, given that it's so hot but I am doing what I can and I know I will feel better for it.
As for the situation with my mother's will etc, that's all getting to the last stages. Evil Bitch cleared and sold the house before finding out if I was being given legal aid to fight her. However, it would appear that she is not getting the house either as my mother had named two charities who will receive donations from the sale of the house. I am claiming my legal rights. And the Evil Bitch isn't getting the car either, which was the first thing she had informed me she was to get on the day I was called to the hospital. So it's not turned out as I had hoped, nor as my father would have expected, but it's not turned out the way the Evil Bitch wanted either.