Sick Sally, Almost 10K, Nutrition

Mar 12, 2008 16:00

Sally-boy has been sick. After eating tuna on Sunday night, he's been vomiting foam and refusing all other food. I brought home barbecue on Monday, and he turned his nose up to the rib bone I offered. The expression he gave me was a sadly funny sort of, "You think I'm gonna touch that?" Luckily, he devoured it last night and this morning was back to digging the new kitty's cat food cans out of the trash. The vomiting stopped days ago, and I'm expecting an empty food bowl when I get home from work.

Last night, I went to visit my (also sick) boyfriend directly from work. It was a running day, so I used Google maps to determine a route around his neighborhood that would put me slightly over four miles. I was ambitious. The route I chose was slightly over five miles, and guess what....I RAN THE WHOLE WAY. I've been anticipating this moment for a long time. Andy said once that there comes a point at which you feel like you could keep running forever, and I think that happened last night. It didn't feel like the laborious running that once was; it just felt like moving along. Nothing difficult about it. The hills became slightly fun at one point. This is a very good thing.

Considering my hour-long runs (or, more appropriately, jogs), my caloric intake (according to the program that accompanies my text book) should be 2500 a day. Despite my best efforts to keep calories down, I consume, on average, 2000 a day. My Vitamin A intake is 700% of the recommended dose, and my saturated fat consumption is a little on the high side. Shockingly, my sodium's only about 130% of the recommended amount.

This will change in the future, but I can't believe that such a career exists. Even the less-than-exciting stuff is interesting. I can't wait to learn more.

SXSW started this week, and driving downtown is made ridiculously more difficult. It's not that there are so many more people, although that should now be the case considering the music portion starts today. But the people on the road have absolutely no idea where they're going or what they're doing. It makes the commute home very unpleasant.

I'm going to Lawton next weekend, and I couldn't be more excited.
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