Oct 25, 2004 20:23
Well, our band is coming along pretty well. Our name is Calojo and the Bandits if you haven't guessed, and if you ask me, our name is TOTALLY... FUCKING SUCKY!! I dunno why everyone likes it, but w/e. We're playing on saturday at a party CJ's having. Well, anyway, I've been teaching myself guitar on the amp my bro gave me, i suck, i know :). Check us out at www.geocities.com/calojoandthebandits . The site sucks too. But anyway, yeah. So... I've just been doing a bunch of nothing. My bro being a fucker to Megan, my dad vegging in front of the computer, my mom complaining that she never sits down during the day, and me bitching about all of it ;). l8r.
Well, that was my day. ^_^ peace.