Nov 05, 2006 16:51
I think I may just give up on NaNo now. My muse for it has died well and truly. Everytime i go to write, I lose all interest. In 4 days, I've done 400 words, and I really don't like what I've written. I've got loads of fanfic to finish that want finishing first, as well as others I want to start.
I'm not in the right mind frame to do this right now. Way too much college work and it's been such a long time since I've written original fic that I don't think I can remember how to write properly. I know that might not make sense, but I've spent nearly two years jsut writing stories where I don't need to describe the characters in much detail, don't need to set up the world in detail. It's all there for me. I think this seemed like a good idea, but it's just gone a bit wrong.
I tried, I really did try and I'll probably try a little more, but right now, I think my NaNo month is over.