Word Count Update

Jun 18, 2015 20:35

 So, the last week and a half or so has played hell with my time to write. It is always chaos here leading up to the husband's annual trip to Japan. There is a lot that goes into traveling to another country for three weeks, let me tell you. Plus, I always get kind of cranky and depressed before he leaves, so that didn't help.

But now he is over there, and I have a quiet house all to myself. what to do, but write? So here is the latest update:

You guys, I am almost 20% done! Only 80% more to go. Ha ha.

Favorite bit: Emotion swept her, the same feeling she had watching a solar storm erupt on the surface of a star, as though she was looking at something as terrifyingly beautiful as it was powerful and deadly. 
Cross-posted from Dreamwidth - there are
comments there. Comments welcome on either post.

telepathic space pirates, rl-writing

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