May 24, 2015 19:14

 From the opening scene to the final image, Nemesis is storyboarded. Here is what that looks like in my MindNodes app:

This is right out of Save the Cat: Act 1, Act 2 Part 1, Act 2 Part 2, and Act 3. I KNOW IT ALL! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!

Okay, so some of the details might change as the novel is written, but the structure will remain, and I HAVE a structure, and I know the lessons Mercy must learn by the end. And I know how she gets there.

I also have an actual cork board full of index cards I used to build this. But I wanted a digital one I could have with me wheresoever I am writing, and that is easily editable as needed. And here it is.

I'm pretty excited about it. :)

Cross-posted from Dreamwidth - there are
comments there. Comments welcome on either post.
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