A resourceful space pilot with a troublesome telepathic gift is searching for the mother she lost fifteen years ago, when she is kidnapped by pirates outlawed by the government for their own psychic abilities; but when she discovers her kidnappers are also the family who once tried to kill her as a child, she realizes the mystery of her mother’s
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I hear that some literary agents like loglines and some don't, but you can generally learn the ones who don't fairly easily.
I think the second half of the logline needs to be clarified a bit.
I'm not doing the logline as a pitch - I already have an agent, so hopefully that won't be necessary! :) Anyway, I'm doing it as an exercise. He really emphasizes that the ability to boil your book/script down to that one engaging line is a good indication of how awesome your story is (my words, not his).
I agree. It just doesn't read right to me, but this is the twentieth or so iteration, and I just reached a point where new versions sounded worse, not better. I thought it sharing it and getting feedback might give me a fresh perspective.
The one thing I still wonder is why she has to embrace her gifts if any of them are to survive.
Though I think this version gives a better idea of the story, definitely.
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