The exciting portion of our evening:
Zoey, our beautiful husky/lab mix, likes to chew things when we leave her alone. This has largely disappeared, thanks to use of the Kong and liberal application of things like peanut butter, giving her something to work for when we leave her.
However, some things are just too temping to resist. Like two mostly full bags of Easter candy, specifically, miniature Snickers, and Butterfinger eggs wrapped in foil. My husband left them on the coffee table after playing a couple maps of Battlefield: Bad Company 2 earlier tonight.
I came into the house a little bit ago to find both bags empty, and the contents eaten, foil wrappers and all.
That's like 50-60 individual wrapped chocolates.
A quick call to
kistha, who was kind enough to call the veterinarian she used to work for, yielded these possible plans of action:
1. Watch her, and as she looks like she's doing fine, let the mess pass through her system, resulting in a probable few days of diarrhea tinged with blood. Feed her boiled chicken and rice during this time, to help calm her aggravated intestines. Which, really, how can they NOT be aggravated? I'm pretty sure consuming two entire bags of Easter candy in one sitting would make me sick, and that's without the foil wrappers.
2. Administer some hydrogen peroxide, which will apparently induce explosive vomiting.
Um. None of these options sound good, you know? But better than the dog dying because foil and chocolate get stuck halfway through her system, or the chocolate gives her a heart attack.
I have rice cooked in chicken broth on the stove now. *sigh* This would be so much easier if she would just throw up on her own. Mark is all for feeding her the peroxide and letting that happen. I'm a little afraid that would result in her throwing up all night, so I'm voting for option #1.