Epiphanies, they're good for the writer's soul.

Mar 08, 2010 15:42


Recent feedback from a beta reader has, as the subject line suggests, given rise to an epiphany about my writing, and my characters, and I think I've just realized something that has plagued me for two books.

My MC, my POV character.  I believe, as I said to another beta reader in working through this epiphany this afternoon, that I'm using ( Read more... )

telepathic space pirates, writing, revision

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Comments 3

woodrunner March 9 2010, 01:13:31 UTC


June 30th
August 1st

I've written them down!


quiet_rebel March 9 2010, 02:00:37 UTC
Yea! for epiphanies!

And those authors who rewrote the same book multiple times? CRAZY.
Oh, the good ol' days. Haha.


tessagratton March 9 2010, 12:49:58 UTC
Oh, I'm pretty sure it IS crazy... but the right kind of crazy. Good luck!


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