Today is not the day.

Oct 15, 2009 11:07

So, there is this woman at work. She's sort of like the den mother - she organizes birthday lunches and "takes care" of everyone, but she's also sort of up in everyone's business about it, you know? She's fine with all the joking and inappropriate conversation so long as she initiates it, and she wants her opinion on things heard. But the minute ( Read more... )

work, rl

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Comments 2

dragonsinger October 15 2009, 23:03:25 UTC
I'm sorry the subject got out of hand. I wonder why she was so against it. Maybe she thinks no one will want to remember her. (((HUGS)))


From Paula: anonymous October 17 2009, 02:32:08 UTC
Knowing you like I do. I am SURE this gal talks about you behind your back. You are simply too wonderful for her not to be jealous in some way. She is probably trying to think of any little negative thing she can dream up to talk about. Poor sad thing is lacking in some self esteem and looks to try to break others down so she can feel big. Not very original I know, but sadly way too many have become too lazy to be complex.

The more she talks about you, the more you should feel flattered. Anyone who spends 2.2 minutes with you knows what a treasure you are.

Yes, memorial services and funerals are for the living. It is rather selfish to think it is all about oneself when they die.


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