Progress update

Jul 29, 2009 20:15

More than 2K today.  That's better than yesterday and the day before!

17% in three days, you guys!  Whoo-hoo. :D  Still need to pick up the pace, but I'm working on it!

I'm sure you all know the novella features Dem (pictured in my icon).  I had to cast the other new characters, of course, so here they are:

Sanah is Dem's heroine, I suppose, in romance terminology.  She's the other MC in the book, is how I view it.  She's an empath, and much softer than Dem. :D

Nayla is Sanah's younger sister.  At sixteen, she's missing a lot of the socialization a lot of girls her age have had.  Her Talent is extremely rare, and considered quite dangerous, so she's spent the last several years pretty isolated.

novella, writing, progress

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