More SPN

Sep 19, 2008 09:24

I didn't think it was possible to love this show even more than I already do, but then they go and give us badass angels who are, so far, the very mental image I have of the presence and power and badassery an angel would really have.

I don't talk about it much, but yeah, I have faith, I believe in God etc, etc. And I've actually done extensive research into angels. IMO, they are scary and badass and, well, not human in how they look at things. It made total sense to me that the light of his true form would burn that psychic's eyes. He warned her to turn away, but she didn't listen. Free will, yo. It's one of the rules the angels have to stick to. We have free will and they can't interfere with that.

I forgot to look him up in my Dictionary of Angels, but according to online sources, Castiel is the Angel of Thursday. Hee!

Everything he said to Dean? Exactly as I would have written it. And I find it beyond interesting that God chose Dean, the brother who lacks faith. Kinda hard to keep that up when you're talking to Angels, you know? I see interesting times ahead for our Dean.

Yes, I cannot wait to see where they go with this arc this season!

Okay, on to the rest of the episode:

I stand by my disappointment in their choice of opening song. Carry On would've been so much stronger. Or even Hell's Belles.

Dean calling Bobby, and Bobby hanging up on him, and then their reunion. *sniffles* When Bobby finally realized it really was Dean, I got misty eyed. And then later, when Sam realized the same thing, I was just - GAH! Okay, so EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS EP WAS PERFECT! PERFECT!! I could go on and on with details and bulletpoints, but I'd be talking about every damn scene.

Okay, so I don't like new!Ruby. But other than that small quibble - PERFECT!


I guess this was even less coherent than last night's post. But I can't help it. This was the best season opener they've had yet. Just...AWESOME.


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