(no subject)

Nov 15, 2007 09:47

Last night's episode is just one example of why I should never watch Criminal Minds before bed. Because even though 90% of the time it's fine and doesn't bother me anymore than the next procedural drama I watch, it's that other 10% I have to worry about.

I should have known when the unsub forced one of his victims to eat the fingers of ten of his other victims. That should have been my bright, screaming red, neon warning. Dude, he eats people! Not only that, but he has recipes, a huge industrial meat grinder, and he fed other people his victims. That is one of my squicks. HUGE. Blech. This is now one of a handful of CM episodes that have seriously disturbed me. Seriously, yo. I had to watch Gossip Girl after, before I tried sleeping. And it didn't really work as well as I'd hoped.

Not only that, but these writers have no problem inflicting mortal harm on their MCs on a regular basis. No one is safe! I knew something was kinda up with laptop coffee shop guy from the beginning. (Who, by the way, really is smokin' hot. Who can blame Penelope? Also, he's the guy from Ugly Betty. God, he is hot. Ahem. ANYWAY.) I wondered at first, given Morgan's reaction, if this would be the impetous that might drive their weekly flirtation a little farther. Cause while Morgan has been known to oggle the skinny hot girls, there is undeniable chemistry between him and Garcia, who clearly has a thing for him. And Morgan was not at all pleased about her going out with this guy. AT ALL.

And then later, when Penelope got mad at him and yelled that just because he wouldn't cross a smoky room to ask her out, doesn't mean another hot guy wouldn't, and slammed the phone down, I thought AHA! Morgan looked confused and kinda devastated. Garcia's a constant in his life, and he was already having a tough case, bringing up all his childhood issues again (which I believe are the REAL reason he hasn't seriously approached Garcia. Those hot girls he oggles? Safe. Casual. Penelope is all too real, and he cares about her.) And then Emily figures out what's up, and pins Garcia down.

Garcia: "God, I hate profilers." Yeah girl, I bet you do. No secret is safe. On the other hand, you called Prentiss cause you KNEW she'd pick up on the problem and you could vent to someone about Morgan who would not only understand, but explain it to him for you. I love Emily. All the women on this show rock. They should go out for a girl's night.

Anyway, I knew something was up with Mr. Smokin' Hot, but I was hoping I was being paranoid. DAMN IT!! Why did you not run a background check on him, Penelope? That's like, your altar of worship. Or did you, and he came up clean? I got the impression that his motive was very personal, somehow, not just your random psycho. Why was he waiting all night through your date to shoot you? Oh, this is going to hit Morgan so very hard. {{HUGS Garcia}} {{HUGS Morgan}}

Next week I will miss the ep due to being in Disneyland. I have noth Tivos programmed to record it, just in case something sire happens and one of them fails.

And because I watched it, Gossip Girl was teh awesome! I've loved Chuck from the beginning, but now I am aaaaaall about Chuck/Blair. Damn, why is it the villains I find so attractive most of the time? Of course, Chuck's not really a villain. He's just...really screwed up. And a lot more vulnerable than he'll ever let on. Kinda like Blair, really. They are two sides of the same coin. And hot together. There has to be fic. Where is the C/B fic?

gossip girl, tv, tv-criminal minds

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