Fish talk

May 04, 2007 09:41

Remember my office fish, Henry?  Well, that name lasted less than a day - somewhere in the course of that day he became Leo, short for Leonidas.  He liked it better. :)

Remember how I was going to get him a 2.5 gallon mini tank instead of his little bowl?  Well, as it happens, I didn't have to.  A co-worker who is, unbeknownst to me until very recently, a fish enthusiast, saw Leo on my desk and became instantly enamored.  The next day he showed up at my office door with that exact 2.5 gallon mini tank I'd been eyeing, complete with some sort of aquatic fern (live) and gravel for the bottom.  So I set up Leo's new condo, and on my lunch break paid a visit to the pet store.  I bought another live plant, a sort of bushy variety I can float along the top, and an albino cory (they look like little catfish) to scavenge what Leo doesn't eat and help keep the tank clean.

When I was floating Leo to get him acclimated to the new tank, he was very excited, and pissed because he could see his new environment, but not get to it to explore it.  He kept getting agitated with the walls of his cup, lol.  Then, when I was floating the cory for the same reason, Leo kept swimming by and puffing up at the bag.  I thought for a bit that it wasn't going to work to have another fish in the tank - bettas are notoriously aggressive, and I thought I might come into work one day to find he'd killed the cory.  Except once they were both swimming free in the tank, they've proceeded to completely ignore one another.  Maybe Leo just didn't like the bag.  And they both absolutely love the bushy plant I bought.  They like to rest amongst the branches.

So, as if the tank were not enough, yesterday my co-worker friend brought in a container of water fleas and let them lose in the tank.  Oh my goodness!  Talk about hours of free entertainment!  These 'fleas' are tiny little things that swim around as live food for Leo.  At first, he didn't know what to make of them.  Then he ate one and promptly spit it back out - apparently not accustomed to having his food wiggle.  But he got over that shock quickly enough, and soon was swallowing every one he could find, and today they're all gone!  Jim said he's bring some more in next week.  Apparently they're very nutritious as food.

Leo is going to end up spoiled and fat. :)

Oh, and here's a pic.  you can see both Leo and the cory, and if you look real close, some of the water fleas swimming around:


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