How is it possible that I didn't know about the
new Robin Hood series on the BBC (thanks to
ysrith for the link). Huh???
I am a Robin Hood fangirl! I have been since I can remember. I own every written adaptation I can get my hands on. I have seen every movie multiple times (including the deplorable turn by Kevin Costner in the role). I used to obsess over that series with Michael Praed, what was it...Robin of Sherwood.
Damn you work computer for refusing to play the BBC's featurette on this new incarnation! *contents self with looking at the pretty pictures instead*
ETA: Do you see Guy of Gisbourne? OMG, they got a good looking, charismatic actor to play the bad guy! It is entirely possible I will like him better than Robin, though I wouldn't say that for sure without seeing the show.