It takes talent to read a book while walking around stores.
Bellatrix and Narcissa. SO MUCH LOVE. The second chapter is one of my favouritest. I love how Narcissa cares so much for her son and how Bellatrix is all snide and wonderful and yes.
On the Snape thing. I was kind of torn between him being good and evil the entire book. Even now I'm not sure, because he was caught in a rather tight position and he's never been pleasant to Harry...that entire section of the book needs a reread. I totally saw him killing Dumbledore coming though. Don't ask me how, but I did. I saw Dumbledore dying coming too, but that had to happen, he was divulging too much. But Amelia! She was so cool!
Ron/Hermione....weeiiiiiiiird. I hated how they were being manipulative brats about each other. Like Hermione going out with McLaggen. Oh Hermione, I thought you were above that. Apparently not. Ron and Lavender were terribly terribly amusing though. I like how even Parvati was sickened.
Tonks/Remus was very cute, even though I would have liked more about Tonks and why she was behaving so strangely. Harry/Ginny - Ivy, are you happy now? It wasn't terrible. The bit about how Blaise thinks Ginny is hot made me laugh a lot.
Luna commentating = :DDDDD
Tom backstory! He was a deranged little child but I still love him. The Horcruxes were a stroke of genius and it totally made me gasp out loud when they were talking about how the diary was one.
"I need to see what Draco Malfoy is doing inside you" - enough said.
Draco surprised me a little bit, on that. I don't think we've seen him do anything as cruel as stepping on Harry's face and Invisible-Cloaking him yet. Knew he wouldn't be able to kill Dumbledore. Liked how he and Moaning Myrtle were having a bit of an affair.
The whole book almost seemed to be too much of an explanation. Like yes, I was dying for an explanation, but I almost wish she had done it a bit differently. She introduced all these fun characters in OotP and in this one they were just reduced to background again. The whole book was definitely a very Harry-and-Dumbledore book.