I want...

Mar 29, 2007 19:18

This and this and this and this.

I adore...this and this and this.

This makes me happy.

One day I will go here and here and here.

I'm so flippin materialistic aren't I? I still love this tea set. Somebody buy it. For me preferably.

The mouse! I don't know where it went! I could hear this munching, so got up and turned the light on to see if there was anything there, not really expecting anything to be there. And there he/she was! Sitting there not caring that I was standing there staring at it! I was so scared I went and got my dad up. Haha. But by the time he got there, the mouse has scarpered somewhere. I was so freaked out, I didn't get to sleep till gone 4 for fear of waking up with a mouse in my bed. Do mice climb into your bed? Oh gosh. I'm such a Londoner.

Not much crafting these next few weeks. I have no supplies here, but don't mind too much. I have sid. I have books. I have the London Underground. It's all good. I'm hoping there will be sun too.

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