I did this pretty much all weekend. It was good. I wish I could say I feel all the more refreshed for this week ahead, but...it doesn't really work like that. I'm feeling it hard at the minute, everything. It all just feels, hard. Apologies to those I owe texts and emails too. I don't seem to be doing those so well.
I'm really looking forward to this semester, this school YEAR being over. I realised earlier that technically this is my third year, and maybe that's why I'm so tired of it. I should be finishing this year. But no.
Frostie is coming this week. I'm pleased by this :o) It's also Jessica's birthday. I'm happy about this. I am NOT happy by Valentines Day. "Bloody Valentines Day!" I'm not much of a person for this false highly manipulative holiday. Gah. Boys/Girls: Buy your girls presents all flippin year, girls/boys: don't go and buy those horrible tacky silky boxers just for this special occasion, and couples: please, enough with the flaunting of your love.
My cousin's drink was spiked last night, and its freakin scary what could have happened to her if someone she knew hadn't seen her wandering around Wind Street. How is that ever funny? To think dropping a bit of speed into someones drink is a good night? Somebody who is supposed to be your friend? Man.
Do you think this entry is downbeat? Do you think it's because I'm listening to Amos Lee? But I love him so *sigh*