Apr 24, 2006 09:24
I havent updated in awhile. So much going on this time of year.
I've got about 3 weeks left before summer break. Two weeks of classes and a week of finals. Busy busy writing papers, presentations and shit.
Saturday was Matt and I's 6 month so we went to a Tibetan restaurant in Davis Sq. It was ok, they kind of Americanized the food, the other two Tibetan places in Boston are better.
The night before I went to a open mic/poetry thing. It was nice to get away into such creative beauty.
So This coming Friday Matt got us tickets to see The Hold Steady at TT the Bears. I havent been in a show in so long. It will be a nice break from school
And then we are going to see Pearl Jam at the end of next month at the Garden. Def looking forward to it, listen to some of their new music.
Two concerts in such a short time!
Things are going great. It will just be nice to have school be over with for a little while, maybe meet up with some old friend? we'll see