Oct 01, 2008 00:04
I stand behind a party and a people that uphold democracy in the truth of the word, I do not stand behind anyone who makes the word an empty joke.
Stephen Harper is a joke on two legs, he has NO business AT ALL even THINKING of leading this country so far as to the toilet to take a shit. He should be taken to the toilet & flushed with the rest of the shit.
The liberals are not much better, slinging mud when they should be cleaning up their act & the NDP has quite the disastrous history.
The greens are interesting & would make a positive change to this messy dung pile, but they are small in connections. Voting for them, unless it was a large number of people, wouldn't go too far.
So one finds ones self at a cross roads. I don't particularly wish to vote Liberal as I believe thay need to get out of their soggy diapers, however they are the only party with enough clout to keep Harper somehwat chained to his seat & with a bite mask affixed to his blunt rabbid snout.
So there you have my thoughts on this dreary situation.
Have fun with that.