Aug 26, 2008 23:12
A fetish shoot I'd designed a while back that depicted the Aztec calender (yeah THAT calender, 2012) on my naked back.
The shoot took forever to plan/orchestrate & went through a lot of revisions. The one originally contracted/paid to do it did the WORST job EVER!!!! Martin Armand by name & don't deal with him if you can avoid it. Asks for a lot of money for a job he didn't do worth shit. A five year old strung from the ceiling upside down does a better job. It was on my back so I couldn't tell the extent of the shit until it was too late. He was comissioned to paint the calender on my back, he half arsed drew it, taking no time at all and rushing to get to his next appointment. His portfoio is amazing work in his own style but he can't work beyond his own work.
He charged $250 & it sure as HELL wasn't worth it. (I'm still pissed about it.)
My friend who is the photog of most of my pics is also my make up artist, pic director, photo editor, layout designer & bloody well anything else she can come up with.
She re-did the ENTIRE design by hand in full detail after we completely re-vamped the detail level & design inclusion. She did 3 versions, one which got lost & then re-designed again.
Then she got the flu.
THEN we scheduled it for today & it was done!!!! After 5 hours of painful work.
Nothing like walking around stark naked then freezing in pose for a lengthy amount of time.
I gotta dmit though it looks FUCKING AMAZING!!!!!!!! Seriously, fucking amazing. I am SO goddamn happy it's done!!
The next shoot is a totally different look with Owl feathers that a friend brought back from Switzerland that he'd had for 15 years. (From a bird he found dead in the forest.) GORGEOUS feathers!!!