Jan 11, 2005 20:49
I'm such a procrastinator, I should be working out or reading Crimes or doing something productive...ahh but the freedom of your own computer and kazaa privileges keeps me busy...speaking of...I'm about to go crazy with all the freaking pop-ups. I have Norton but its not working too well...anyone help?
Finally got someone to watch Napoleon Dynamite with me last night...what an Odd/hilarious movie! Made me just glow with happiness at the end! It isn't often that a movie ends so well that you feel wonderful and at peace with the world. Of course as soon as I got off my Napoleon-High I remembered the state of the world and really the state of my world and I didn't feel so at peace, in fact I'm pretty overwhelmed. This is the first semester I've waited to buy my books...which really is smart considering I didn't have to take any back this year either...but I've got assignments that I haven't done...but I will.
OH! And this is a little blurb to my fellow Theatre Ed people...if you haven't taken Play Analysis...TAKE IT! NOW, or you can't graduate on time. It is a pre-req to Directing I. If you're a sophomore...Amy, Dustin, Lauren...take it now...b/c next semester you can take Directing I, spring 06 you take directing II and then you can student teach in the spring. You've only got this and one more Spring Semester before you Student Teach. And Play Analysis is only offered in the fall (or that's how its been) If not you'll have to go another semester b/c Directing II is only offered in the spring semester. James let me in Directing II this semester ONLY b/c I'm taking Play Analysis now, finally. I don't know why Matt forgot to tell me...oh well...getting off my pedestal and off to H/W.
Lots of Love!