Another random "My kid is smart" blip

Jan 04, 2010 01:01

He didn't remember...or somewhat more likely, couldn't call up in a more processing sense, the names of "Miss Mary Mack" or "Patty Cake", yesterday, but that's what he felt like doing with me, at a certain point in time.  (He hasn't gotten the hang of what to do with his hands, he just holds them out for me to clap against -- he probably needs to be sitting on daddy's lap and have daddy guiding his hands through the motions, at least one time, before he can do that part -- but he enjoys the stimulation of my doing it to him, and avidly watches my mouth as he works on learning all the words....he also finds it hilarious, especially when I increase the speed as it goes on.)  So he figured out a way to express what it was that he wanted to do, with the words he could think of:

Jamie:  "Mommy, y'wanna play a game wid you."
Me:  "Sure, sweetie!  What game would you like to play?"
Jamie:  "...........................y'wanna sing a song together."
Me:  "Ok, well, we could do that too.  What song would you like to sing?"
Jamie:  "...........................y'wanna clap your hands."
Me:  "'d like to play a game where we sing a song and clap our hands.  Jamie, did you want to play Miss Mary Mack, or Patty Cake?"
Jamie:  "Miss Mary Mack!  Patty Cake!  Yeah, dat's a vewwy good idea."

Heehee.  Good thing I figured it out, too.  But I'm proud of how he worked out how to make me understand what he wanted.  I also think it's important to note the bit where he obviously watches my mouth when he's trying to learn a song from me.  He actually learns speech best from watching videos....there are fewer other-sensory distractions from him processing the language, in that format.  So, when he's making a point of trying to learn something specific from one of us, he watches our mouths.  I expect it's partially a lip-reading issue, but moreso he's just helping himself focus and zero in on what he's trying to learn.


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