Look, I wrote something!

Jun 20, 2008 22:37

Well, wrote and posted.

Well, wrote with someone else.

Well, wrote with someone else and posted under my own name.

Sorry for channeling my inner Ten there...

Title: Familiar Faces: Episode One in a Torchwood/Heroes Crossover
Authors: imamandajuliusand rhiannonsbirds7
Rating: PG-13
Summary: After the loss of two team members, Torchwood Three meets up with some old friends…
Characters/Pairings: Jack Harkness/Adam Monroe, Ianto Jones, Gwen Cooper-Williams, Rhys Williams…and a few surprises!
Warnings/Spoilers: Through season two for both Torchwood and Heroes. We tried to stick perfectly to canon, but there is a little bit that’s non-canon because it just worked out better for the piece.
Notes: Both of us are diehard Torchwood and Heroes fans, so we’ve really been excited about this crossover. Thanks to takethesky87for lending us some mad beta skillz and being our cheerleader.

Part One

Part Two
Part Three

heroes/torchwood crossover

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