Happy Endings

Mar 24, 2009 01:24

I saw something today and it got me thinking about happy endings.  I think the question has been asked many times before...is there such a thing.  And do all happy endings have to end the same?  Well, maybe a "happy ending" isn't really an ending at all.  Sometimes when your life is ruined...maybe it is really just a start over for something better to come along in the future.  And just maybe sometimes things in our lives that may seem good aren't really good.  Or maybe it is good...but not as good as something better...something more meant for you.  Maybe sometimes when you think you are happy, you aren't really happy. But you would never know it cause you have never experienced what would make you the happiest.  Is any of this making sense? lol.  Also I think that maybe we need to let certain things go in order for greater things to come into our lives.  These things we have to let go are not necessarily bad, they can even perhaps be what we need for a long time...but we have to let them go sometimes...in order to grow.  And when we don't want to let them go...they are forced out of our lives one way or another. And it hurts even worse and takes twice as long to get over.  My point is that happy endings do exist, just maybe not in the way we thought. 
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