Oct 26, 2019 12:00
- Fri, 16:46: RT @ TheTrashiesUK: Julie Burchill before she pivoted to Transphobia was an Islamophobe. Many of the leading lights in the anti-Trans moveme…
- Fri, 16:49: I'm having a day when I just want to not. You know what I mean? You just look at the world and every task and you a… https://t.co/hjYS7aDdOu
- Fri, 16:50: It is a day for not just mental paralysis, but paralysis of the very soul.
- Fri, 19:48: RT @ MikalebRoehrig: I’m going to let you all in on a little secret I’ve learned from being Old and Gay™️. Being nice to abusers, or those w…
- Fri, 19:50: RT @ metoffice: Clocks are going back 🕑 Good news if you get an extra hour in bed 😴💤 but bad news if you're working Saturday night #clocks…
- Fri, 22:01: tis the season where my knuckle joints start to randomly hurt and stiffen up. #SignsOfAutumn