Pensive Monkey

May 04, 2012 15:05

Quote of the day: Why, heartless, foolish world, why did you give the cat a necklace? Now a poor defenseless mouse is dead and the king of the cats has forgotten how to sit at the table and use a knife and fork. And all because you gave a cat a necklace. (If You Give a Cat a Necklace (Mmm… Marginalia #30), Got Medieval, Carl Pyrdum)

I can't believe term is over. I drove on to campus yesterday afternoon and I was suddenly struck with a sense of...something...nostalgia...angst. It was just yesterday, okay, I guess now it was just the day before yesterday (since it is now today and I'm writing about yesterday and even I'm getting confused) and it was the beginning of term and I was buying my textbooks for Drawing II (where I was going to learn to draw and set the art world on fire) and picking up my picture I.D. (The camera did not break.)


When am I going to learn to draw?

When do I set the art world on fire?

Drawing II aka Nudie Drawing was a wonderful class, too short, way too short, wish it would just keep going. But very frustrating. Though I am closer to getting the whole tonal thing to work for me. Very frustrating.

Anyhoo, I now have a week of "summer vacation" and then will get back to class. I've signed up for Painting I. Dan will be sending me the supply list so I can get things ordered and save some money. And also signed up for Pat's class again. I can't sign up for Drawing II again, I wonder if I could get them to change that? I'm not signed up for anything for Summer B.

And I've signed up for Painting II and Mixed Media Drawing for Fall Term. They would not let me sign up for Pat's but I think that's happened before. The computer prolly can't deal with the fact that I'm currently enrolled in Spring Term, enrolled for Summer A upcoming. Poor, poor computer prolly through up its little cyber hands and said no mas!

I plan to start doing the Saturday life drawing "class" at FSM. At least to try it out a couple times. It's only five dollars a class.

The Cherry Red Roadster went in to Performance Trans on Tuesday (had to reschedule from Monday). The rough/skipping thing turned out to be a bad spark plug and that was under warranty. They changed the oil. The low oil and radiator coolant levels I'll have to watch. They pressure tested the radiator and found no explanation. Artie said if it's a leak it's a slow ooze, very slow. And there are no obvious oil leaks, just an aging engine. I went in dreading a possible several hundred dollar base price for repairs and ended up paying only thirty-seven dollars and change.

The An Crosaire Gardening/Herb Crazies co-op is really starting to take off. I'll be taking in some Salvia Coccineas on Tuesday. And who knows what goodies I'll get. I'm just getting chills (could be the a/c).

Oh, and I'll take the Cherry Red in on Wednesday morning so they can test out the a/c and try to figure out what needs fixing. I will not go through another summer without air.

school, qotd, art

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