Sep 29, 2007 20:27
First off, let it never be forgotten that I hate UF football. Drunken party goers are parked all along the street across from my driveways, both of them. Or at least were some time ago when I got back to the house after running some errands. I suspect they are still there. If I want to run out anywhere, getting out of the drive will be difficult though not impossible. I suspect these assholes are partying on 22nd and not even with some of my corner neighbors.
Breck only got one snack at Petsmart and tried to help herself to another as we left, as she was still needful of snacky things.
I checked the computer, email that is, around 5:00 just before I left to do my thing, and found, o frabjous day, oh wonder of wonders, I found a bot announcing the fact that The Marriage Stone had updated. Had, in fact, just updated within moments of me finding the bot. But I exercised considerable and quite remarkable restraint and I went off and did my errands rather than waiting for the chapter to show up. I am so amazed with myself.
And what a wonderful chapter it is. No new kisses, it takes place only minutes after the end of the last chapter and there is much thinking about the meaning of kisses. It's a Harry-centric chapter. We see nothing of Snape's thoughts. Harry meets up with his friends and such: Ron, Ginny, Hermione, Charlie and Draco. Charlie's hanging around because the Order is putting on guards whilst the pitch is being upgraded for this whole quidditch thing that's upcoming. Lots of workmen on campus right now. Hmmm, what do wizarding port-o-potties look like? The group has copies of the Prophet, the issue with the kiss in the ministry corridor. Draco starts to make a smart remark and Harry promises to punch him. Draco shuts up. After a bit he shouts at the rest of them, "Well, he won't punch any of you! Say something!"
Eventually, Hermione gets them all to leave because she threatens to use such terms as DNA and not "essence." So the offendable purebloods had better leave. Ron gets up and Ginny grudgingly goes too and Charlie says let's go Draco. Draco, though, says "But I want to hear about DNA!" Charlie promises to explain it to him. He suggests they go off to watch the workmen. Draco wants to know if they can throw things at them. Charlie says he'll think about it.
Hermione, it turns out, wants to explain to Harry about annulments and divorces and such. Poor Harry, left feeling that his "family" is just a fiction. Whatever will he do? Will he come out and ask Severus if he's planning to annul his marriage with Harry after the threat from the ministry has passed? He does blurt sometimes. Maybe he will this time.
And the wait begins again.
It seemed so easy this last week. I think it's because, well, it was such a satisfying chapter what with the kiss and everything. But then Aspeninthesunlight updated a chapter from ASLNO just a couple days later. A short chapter. But a good one. She said the chapter she was writing just kept growing and growing and growing and she ended up cutting it into three. Hope she will post the next chapter soon.
I did take the opportunity the other day to check on whether the new bronze blank was properly annealed. And it is, at least it is somewhat annealed. Dead soft, I'm not sure, but definitely soft. It is softer than the half hard sheet that I cut it from. It is not as soft as the copper I annealed the other day and that copper is a thicker gauge than the bronze. But that's why they made bronze into swords.
I'm really liking the bracelet I made. I need to sand all around the edges now so it's housebroken and doesn't snag fabric or anything. Otherwise I'm thinking it's finished. Maybe I'll change my mind but right now I'm thinking it's good.
It is very hard right now, work hardened. And I'm wondering if I should anneal it and then heat harden it. Or even if I need to anneal it before heat hardening it. I just don't know the value of heat hardening. I understand, as well as I'm able, that there is a difference to the way the molecules and such are structured. Things about crystallization and voids and god knows what. So I guess I have another thing to research and try to understand and things to pester Wonder Pat about. The poor woman. And yet I think she kinda likes me. A little.
the marriage stone,