Aug 15, 2006 14:57
Ick Ick Ick, I have not even started school yet and I am already stressing. I just looked my major requirement since when do you need physics for art? Damn industrial design! Bah! I know I will enjoy my major it just that there is so much to learn and I think I lack the confidence. All I hear is how its dog y dog mono y mono, way super competitive (*sighs and rolls eyes*) I am not big on competition can't we all just get along and be equally good? Sorry honey it doesn't work that way. I am not sure I can say my stuff is good or not criticizemyself. Meh! Also we have to take safety test for shop. What if I fail. Bah. My neck hurts and I just ate a bag of cheeze-its and now a moon pie. When stressed eat a moon pie and don't forget the milk! Ok I am going to nap now and hopefully when I wake up the stress will be gone.