Aug 11, 2010 23:34

As I've posted I recently had spine surgery about two weeks ago. I've been doing awesome. I'm walking, I can't bend over or lift heavy things, but I'm doing so much better. For the last few days I've been going for really long walks. Yesterday I went and walked a mile that took me about twenty minutes and 1,300 steps. (Thank you iPod pedometer!)

Today, I did the same walk and I only took about 13 minutes and 630 steps. The bad thing? When I came home, sweaty and excited... my sister-in-law asks, "Are you leaking?" and I look down and I'm leaking from my incision! The hubster had to take me to the emergency room at the hospital where I had the surgery, and we found out that I had a weak part that "burst" with the pressure from my walking. (I was going crazy fast... Thank you, GaGa!) I was leaking a ton of body fluid, but what had scared me originally was the fact that it was a runny bloody color. Sorry, I know it's so gross. The doctor kept pushing around the wound to make more come out, but tomorrow I've got to see the surgeon who helped make and close the incision to see if he wants to make the cut wider, only about a 1/4 of an inch opened, so it's too small to pack with gauze (which is what they normally do) or they can close me up as is. Only problem is that if they close up as is, they could seal in an infection, and if that happens they've got to reopen the whole thing and clean it out.

I'm freaking out!!! I don't know what's going to happen, but I'll update. Now all I have to do is get money for gas, the appointment and actually make the appointment tomorrow morning.


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