Aug 18, 2011 09:54
So tired today. Feel like I might be coming down with something, and I just want to sleep. But I had to be in early because I have meetings all morning.
I'm dancing in the MEDGE show tomorrow night, which is great, except that I haven't really practiced or anything yet. (I was a late addition; I'd meant to email Lindsey to get on the roster back at the beginning of the month, and then I wibbled, and then forgot, and then remembered but assumed it was too late. Then she emailed me at the start of this week, saying they still needed a few more dancers and asking if I'd be interested. So I said yes, but I didn't hear back from her to get confirmation until yesterday.) I have music picked out, and it's a song that I've danced to before (um, back in 2003...), and I have a bunch of combos from 8 Elements and Turkish stuff from Sabine and a bit of Dunyavi stuff from Dalia that I want to throw in, but I haven't really danced it yet. Whee.
My parents went up to Nantucket for a few days, for the last time, to collect any personal effects from the house and say goodbye. My mom sent me a short, sad email as they were on the ferry leaving the island today. That was a cheery way to start my morning... spent my first meeting of the morning trying to pay attention and not cry. So that's done.
And now, time for meeting #2 of the day.