ode to the wonderfulness of my cat

Jan 10, 2006 13:52

Last night, Schmendrick did the cutest and goofiest thing I've ever seen him do (and there have been a lot of incredibly cute and goofy things, let me tell you.) He was playing with one of the plush catnip cherries that chronarchy so readily supplies for us. Typical cherry-playing involves a lot of batting, soccer-kicking, tackling, the patented roll-grab-and-kick, and frequent leaps straight up in the air to pounce from on high. Also, Schmendrick is generally very fond of sitting up on his hind legs when scoping out high things (or anticipating the arrival of food.) So anyway, he was playing and being cute and all that stuff that he usually does.

And then he held the cherry stem in his mouth and made 4 kangaroo hops (upright on his back two legs) across the room. Seriously.

And then I laughed and squeeed over him for about 5 minutes straight. :D

Also, two Christmases blessed with the glory of Schmendrick visitations have finally culminated in unquenchable kitten lust for my mother. My parents haven't had a cat since my then-17-year-old cat Ashleigh, who lived with my parents, disappeared 2.5 years ago. This fall, my mom kept asking when Schmendrick would come to visit again, and making jokes about how I could just leave him at my parents' house when I had to go back to Indiana. My response to this was always "Get your own damn cat!" Well, she finally did-- or will be. She emailed my brother and me today to tell us about the kitten she's adopting from the SPCA, an 8 month-old female (part-Persian, but without the squishy face). New kitty got spayed yesterday, but my mom's in meetings all day today, so she's can't pick her up till tomorrow. She didn't say what the new kitty's name would be. I was most amused by this part of her email:
I had had no intention of trying to convince [Dad] -- as Nana says, you don't ask men because they say no, you just bring the kitten home, let it climb on their lap and start purring, and then it's okay.
(My dad's a total pet pushover anyway, it's not like there would be a problem.)

catses, cuteness

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