A Week in the Life

Nov 20, 2008 19:30

I feel so damn over-worked and under-paid lately.  I often hear people (esp. my interns) whine about how damn busy they are.  I wonder how my week compares.  Am I as busy as everyone else, am I more busy or am I just spoiled and whiny?  Lets find out.

Sunday- Work at the 'Bucks 4-8 hours depending on the week.  Remembering, of course, that I do not get to sit at all during my shifts and that I rarely get a lunch break AND that it is a 45 minute commute each way.

Monday- 9ish: Graduate Assistant planning session with program advisor,  1:00: planning session with my interns, 2-4: preparing classrooms, administrative b.s. and prep curriculum for Wednesday class,  5-11: work at the 'Bucks.

Tuesday- Meet with professors and thesis committee advisors, additional preparations for Wednesday class and mad dash to finish weekly paper for night class, 4:00: therapy, 5-9: Theory class with worst professor EVER.

Wednesday- Get on the bus around 10:30 to North Lawndale on the South Side, 12-3ish: teach high school class with interns, head back to north east side, prepare for night class at the library, 5-9: Research Methods with Dr. Dominatrix, out for drinks with schoolmates if we are up for it.

Thursday, Friday and Saturday- 4-8 hour shift at the 'Bucks, many, many, many hours of homework, laundry, dishes, cleaning, grocery shopping, friends, meetings with professors and errands.

Somewhere in there I am supposed to be researching and writing my thesis as I muddle through the pointless busywork, bullshit that is my homework.

And every night I come home alone and I drop into bed and cry for a bit because I miss Justin and am terribly lonely but have absolutely no free time to meet someone new and/or have a social life with anyone outside of school.  Thank goodness for kitty or I probably would have killed myself by now.  Ugh.
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