An actual update

Jan 19, 2006 14:13

Ok, I'm sorry I haven't been updating much latly. Haven't had much energy. Work still sucks. I'm still looking for something better, but for the most part I'm goign to have to wait to get a massage job until I get my massage insurance. Other than that, not much has changed on the job front. I did have one paid massage though which was cool. I ended up getting lost on my way there and was late so I gave her a discount, I still made $55 for an hour of work. Not too shabby.
This past week was really stressful. On monday (the 9th) I got a phone call from my mom after I got home from work. She called to tell me that they had just found out that Gaynel was going to have to have a mastectomy because they found cancer. She didn't really know much more at the time, they were waiting to talk to the doctor thats going to do the surgery on that friday. So as you can imagine, that was not good news. I love both my moms and the thought of either one of them getting breast cancer scares the hell out of me. So I spent the majority of the week freaking out and worrying about Gaynel. I called them on friday evening to see what they found out. It turns out, they caught the cancer in stage 0 which means that it just turned cancerous and hadn't had time to spread. Which is good. She isn't going to have to have chemo or radiation, just the surgery, which is even better. And the best news of all is the doctor told them, the rate of survival from breast cancer found and removed in stage 0 is 98.5% which is the best damn odds you can hope for with cancer. So that was a big releif. I'm still worried about her of course and sending healing energy to her whenever I can, but I'm not nearly as scared as I was before. She is scheduled to have the surgery on the 27th. I'd like to be there, but I know it's not really possible right now. I'd have a hell of a time getting the time off work this close and, bringing a kid (kid= germ magnet)to visit someone who's just had surgery, is not the best idea.
Lets see, other than that... not a whole lot else going on. I'm in the process of trying to clean my house. For some reason the clutter and mess just bugs the hell out of me at the moment. I got to hang out with Jenny for a while the other night. It was good to catch up. It's been ages since we've done anything just the two of us. We went to Jimmy's for a drink then went to Shari's for pie and coffee and chatted for hours. It really helped my mood, getting out and having someone to talk to. Plus we got free pie and coffee because our waitor was really nice. We went to the counter to pay and he said, " you two are too cute to pay for pie and coffee." which was cool, but then we felt bad because neither of us had cash to leave a tip. We were going to put the tip on the card when we paid. Oh well, I guess next time we'll just have to leave a big tip if we see him again.
They announced the dates for summerstar, which I'm excited about. Hopefully we will be able to swing it so we can go. I think it will be a blast. Anyhow, I need to quit being lazy and finish working on the kitchen. :)
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