
Jul 18, 2007 16:56

I went with mom to New Braunfels for a doctor's appointment, and on the way back, there were torrential rains. You'd be surprised how many people got onto the highway, headlights off, and immediately cut off a speeding semi in the pouring rain.

Oddly enough, I didn't notice much of that after we passed the accident involving two semis. One of the them smashed into another one, and they were fused together. This, of course, is when my camera jammed. We were right freakin' next to the carnage, and the damn thing jammed! I was so pissed, I was mumbling oscene profanities under my breath until my mother finally asked, "Do you need some chocolate?!"

(On that note, we got some candy at the Chocolate Factory, and gracious me, you guys have got to try their dark cherry truffles!)

A couple weeks ago, I sold a neat tea tin on eBay, (yes, people collect tea tins) and the woman who bought it sent me a note in the mail. I got it today; it's a sweet little thank-you card saying how much she "love, love, love"'s her new tin, and how she was the biggest hit at her local tea shop, and everyone was jealous. So she sent me a thank-you note with a little gourmet tea sample. Wasn't that sweet of her?! That's goin' in my keepsake box.

I have a new online friend that I met on my So You Think You Can Dance group. I know it's a silly reality show, but I LOVE watching people dance, so I can't help it.
Anyway, she's a 60-year old grandmother, and the latest email she sent me started, "So, I just got my nose pierced this weekend..."


How many 60-year olds do you guys see hanging out at Hot Topic waiting for someone to punch a hole in their nose? Too cool. :)
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