Feb 23, 2006 14:19
My "sister" Bri is moving back in with us. At the moment, she's living with my brother, supposedly helping him get a web company up and running. The official story is that she's moving back in with us because he can no longer afford to support her. Unofficially, I've heard tell that it's because she spends about three hours a week working, and the rest of her time playing this computer game that she's addicted to like heroin. What pisses me off is that dad has paid for her to have high speed internet access in her room so she can work when I KNOW she'll sleep all day and play her game all night, just as she did for a full year when she lived with us before. If he's going to pay for her to basically play her games faster, others of us would appreciate the same. However, he's under the delusion that she'll actually be spending a lot of time using it for work. And she'll get away with it, too, because I'm the only one who ever goes out to her room to see what she's up to. She can tell dad as many stories as she wants about how she's so worn out, she was working so hard all day, when really she's been napping and playing.
I know this sounds petty, and I wasn't upset about it three years ago when she started acting like this. She reverted back to some sort of childhood state when she admitted to herself she was a woman in a man's body, and got into an "I don't wanna, you can't make me" mentality. I figured once she got it out of her system, she'd go back to being an adult, but it's been three years, and it's starting to piss me off.
That's it. You can all tell me how unreasonable I'm being now.