upload addendum

Oct 05, 2008 22:44

I've given up trying to work tonight, so here are some more

Sketches and things:

Random sketchiness, of a bunch of characters I want to do some more stuff with when I get time. Steampunk, of course! I'm going to paint this up in photoshop when I have the chance; I don't know if it will go anywhere but it would be interesting to see if it does.

More exploration of the above characters, and a couple of designs for a couple of actor friends of mine, who are writing a melodrama in which I am apparently going to be the 'Damsel In Distress'. I quite liked the finished drawing, unfortunately it wasn't what they were after for the poster, so I don't know :( *points them in direction of ClipArt*
Also, Ray and myself as fish, for some reason :)

Some little toony Discworldy sketches (and a self-portrait), trying to push my style around a bit. I'm really trying to break out of the strange default-long-thin-faced thing I tend to get going with my character designs, it's been bothering me ever since I started trying to draw people 3 years ago, and I still default back to it if I don't pay attention whilst drawing.
A couple of the wizards are some sketches for an Unseen University staff line-up I want to do, based on the Science of Discworld III, where they get dressed up in Victorian garb. Victorian wizards? Victorian UU wizards in particular? Orang-utans in waistcoats? Swoon :)

A gag sketch I sent to my boss, based on a conversation we had (and subsequent teasing) about the fact that the mountain town I live in has a lot of 'alternative' people, including multiple self-proclaimed wizards (who actually do, on occasion, dress in the whole wizardly garb and walk down main street). This is Ian's take on what would happen if one of them went to one of the rougher Sydney suburbs dressed like that, entitled, 'Abracadumpster'. It has since become my mission to, bit by bit, fill my animation desk at work with as much wizard-related paraphenalia as possible.

And look! Me and Ray giving Wall.E a big hug in California Adventure Land :) I also got to hug someone in a Woody suit, poor guy. Also, I was told by a lady serving hot sugary bread-sticks (ok, they have a name, but I don't remember what they were called, apart from 'there-goes-my-diet-onna-stick') that my newly recieved aviator goggles (thanks Ray!) were 'Pimp!', which I took as a compliment.

Since we converted to a 'Chem-mart', two-thirds of the staff at my other job (a pharmacy) are now on the Chemmart-endorsed 'Kate Morgan Diet Program', and are all getting disconcertingly thin. We only recently got new uniforms, and most people are now having to wear all manner of belts and things to keep their pants up, which is quite amusing. It's making me wonder if I should give it a go at some point, for the helluvit, as part of my post-college ambition to Get In Shape. I don't know, I think I'd get told off by a bunch of people if I officially went on a 'diet' (this particular one is meal-replacement shakes and food that comes in strange little transparent packages, but is apparently quite edible), and I'm not thinking of doing it to impress anyone in particular, but I can't deny that I do feel a tad...frumpy. College in particular this year hasn't been kind to my already paltry exercise program, and 3 years of communting and sitting down almost every day has left me feeling really unfit. I don't want to go back to being an obsessive self-conscious secret-dieter. Meh...I'm going to think about it; I just feel like the end of college is as good an excuse as any to try something new, and I dont see why I should have to feel frumpy if there's a better, healthier option available.

I think I'm going to go read more of Small Gods before I head off to bed, and make today complete in its procrastination :)

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