(no subject)

Aug 19, 2008 10:59

Getting a lift home last night (whilst listening to The animation Podcast in the car with a coworker), we drove past a small town at the bottom of the mountains, that has big palm trees in the main street. As we drove past (it was dusk), all I could hear was overwhelming sounds of chirping coming from each of the long row of trees. The sound! Anyway, the sound of the birds reminded me of being in North Queensland a few years ago, and what it was like being on holiday somewhere nice and warm after just finishing highschool. In that momentary instant I had this great feeling of relief and excitement, and then of course the sound subsided and I snapped back to reality.

BUT, as I was musing, I realised that I do in fact have something similar to look forward to; two things, in fact, when I'm done with college in November. In the second week of December I'm going up to Brisbane for a week to see relatives and basically do nothing but lounge around and paint a mural on the wall of their shed; then in February sometime, it looks definite now that I'm going to Hawai'i! The plans for this have been in the pipeline for a long time, but now it looks like me, Ray, Kathleen and her friend Reidan are going to go, no matter what. We want to go exploring the valleys and walking along the beaches and surfing and horse riding and hula dancing (well, me, at least) and snorkeling and generally live it up for two weeks, happy and stress free and having an adventure. It's such a great thing to look forward to, I only wish it was sooner.

I must get work done today. And it's almost midday...@#$%^#. I did sleep in late this morning - I had a lot of melancholy dreams, but I had a long, deep sleep so am feeling slightly better. I was getting that hot, prickly sensation behind the eyes, and the dry throat and aching legs that always tells me my body has had enough for the day. I managed to get thursday off work, and that will be my assignment saviour, but all the same I must get work done today. On the cards = the matte paintings I didn't do last night, the 2D animation for my film (a lot of painting and animating clouds, let me tell you -_-), more work on the aquarium and my character model. If I start with the matte paintings, I risk spending all day on them, because I generally do. The only thing for it is to start with the animation, but I've yet to get over the massive 'starting a daunting thing' hump that I usually encounter with things like this. I really have no idea how I'm going to do this, but I've got to do it today, and that's that.
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