I'm dashing, but I'm sitting down

Aug 09, 2008 17:03

I have had no less than 3 positive comments about my new hat from complete strangers in the last couple of days. An elderly lady in the library complimented me on it today, and when I said 'It keeps my ears warm, too', she replied with 'Ah yes, but that's just an excuse to look good.' According to raisegrate, it makes me look like a 'detective librarian' (may it be noted that Ray was the one who bought it for me, so I take that as a compliment); my screenwriting tutor Michael used the terms 'fashionable sleuth' (with a penchant for elderly-gentlemen-hats) and has decided to find a cool hat himself so he can look like a film director, and my friend Ye Mann simply said 'It looks better than that other ugly one you usually wear'. Interesting hats = love.

My first two days of work have gone swimmingly and I get on well with the team, my tutor Nigel hasn't yet killed me for not sticking to schedule with my assignments, I got an awesome book of London photographs (published in 1890) today as research for a project with Ray, and I'm about to go to a 'Simpsons themed' 23rd party for a good animator friend of mine, although I had to tell him today that I'm lame and didn't get time over the past week to put a costume together, so I'm taking a cheesecake as consolation.

It's going to take a few weeks of testing the waters before I can tell if I'll be able to survive this semester with my current workload or not (not to mention I'm starting to be hounded by my choir friend to ressurect my non existant acting skill and be in a musical she's directing in November, like I can fit that in), but hey, it's only another 14 weeks; I'm willing to survive on as little sleep as possible until then - and then, why, then, I get to actually start constructing my life as a functional adult. A scary thought, that one.
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