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Jul 27, 2008 21:09

LO AND BEHOLD......An Update!

Greetings everyone - it's been a while, to be sure, but I have been busy, I swear! Sometimes I long for those times when I would once post multiple times a day with my silly drivel, but it can't be that hard to get started again :)

Without counting the last week (which found me mostly by myself, incapacitated with the flu and watching far too much daytime Teevee), I have officially had the best July EVER.
There is so much to update on, and I'll try to get to it all in time, but I guess the major factor in my awesome time of late has been the fact that I FINALLY MET RAY. IN PERSON*. And, I love him! There you go Ray, I love you :) Of course, you already knew that, didn't you?

YAAAAAAAY! We had the best time ever, including a visit to Melbourne to see Wicked (and to say it was 'great' would be a gross understatement - it was FANTASTIC, and Ray and I got sucked into the promotional stand, and he bought me a fabulous Elphaba wand that I've been carrying around shoving into peoples' faces for the past two weeks) and visit penguins on Phillip Island, various sightseeing, city and picnic shenanigans, Phantom of the Opera-watching, aquarium and dinosaur exhibition visitations and plenty of cuddling on the sofa watching cool movies (smirk). Without elaborating a disconcerting amount, I seriously never thought I could have as much fun or be myself as much around another person. AND, I never thought it would be so hard to say goodbye at a sodding airport terminal. I MISS YOU RAY! Oh so much! But you know that too.

Cut for a few dorky happy couple holiday snaps (it had to be done), and, seeing as I've been horribly lax yet again, some random artsy tidbits:

Us, picnic-ing on an oval near my house. Yay for looking into the sun and taking squinty photos!

The hat that I made for Ray as a welcome present, considering that we met because of a mutual liking for 'Going Postal' fanart :)

This is so us :) Nyawww.

Did I mention we also had fun scribbling together? We had a few long train trips and various awesome exhibitions we visited, plus lots of random scribbly time at our disposal. Just a sample of what now takes up a large chunk of my sketchbook. Did I mention that I love you, Ray?

Oo! Dexter has just come on TV, I think I'll post my other random art things a little later on!

*For those of you not initiated to the gorky little thing that is the romance between myself and raisegrate, we met on DeviantArt about 7 months ago, and have been 'going out' since April 22nd, but this July Ray came all the way over from LA to visit me in good ol' Oz, so we could actually 'go out' in the literal sense for a change! And HOW! :) And now we're quite inseperable it would seem (also smiley face).
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