(no subject)

Jun 14, 2008 15:21


I've missed you all!

I should be reprimanded for LJ neglect; although, you can be sure that I have been keeping up with you all on my friends page in recent weeks! Needless to say, the reason for my absence has simply been busy-ness. No excuse I'm sure, seeing as most of you are equally as busy (if not more so) than me, and I'm not trying to whine about it seeing as it's perfectly normal, but for the record I do intend to get right back to the posting as soon as semester is over in a week or so!

In the meantime, I don't have any interesting drawings to post really, but here are some renders from my final Architectural Visualisation module; 'The Fleece Inn'. Trust me to do an English pub :D A 54 page screenplay, a playable Unreal Tournament 3 game level and all the modeled, rigged and textured assets for a 3D film due next week....plus 30 assignments to mark, and another 30 the following week - woo!

(The ones on the left are the original photos I borrowed from the internets, and the ones on the right have my model composited into them).

One last week of working like a madwoman/student/tutor, then BREAK (2 weeks of which I am spending around and about with raisegrate!!! Can I believe it? No! I'm flipping out), then my LAST SEMESTER OF COLLEGE. AAHH. I'm also starting an animatory job soon, two days a week! I had to turn down the offer of more teaching next semester, I can't handle that as well. Something tells me the busy-ness is not going to subside any time soon :) But I will make time for LJ, I will! I miss it too much!
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