Trying out a new spell-checker and word processor...

Nov 09, 2015 12:12

...and it seems that like with most things that critique my grammar, it comes down to style.

I have mine and I like it. I think of it as painting with words, technique is more important than the most expensive brush, or the best-programmed grammar checker. I'll go ahead and name-drop, since I'm reasonably satisfied with it, I've been playing around with Grammarly.

I used to absolutely hate grammar checkers, since they always conflicted with my writing style. MS Word, I turned that damn paperclip off, and everything but a plain spell check, and even then I'd find myself arguing with my computer "'grey' is perfectly acceptable in US English, dammit!" and similar US vs UK spelling issues.

I've completely abandoned MS Office for Apache's Open Office because hey, free and not loaded down with bells and whistles. Google Docs works well for accessing a document from anywhere. Grammarly basic is free, has decent spell checking, a grammar checker that I have grudgingly admitted had a point on occasion, and keeps Google from having a monopoly on the online storage of the porn I've written. Great, right?

Until the most recent snit Grammarly got in over "more" and "the more" vs. "most". No, I'm not using "most" in that sentence because while congratulations, you figured out I'm using the superlative, I'm not writing about the pinnacle of something. I'm using "the more (adjective) (plural noun)", instead of "the most (adjective) (plural noun)", which I'm getting to in a bit, so I'm keeping what I typed, dammit.

I didn't say out loud "I'm going to smack the living shit out of you for daring to question me. How dare you question my superior knowledge of the English language, especially when used in a non-standard form?!"

Then I immediately felt bad, because I'd just re-watched Tron Legacy about 15 minutes ago. As if I didn't anthropomorphize enough things already, I'm applying it not to my laptop (that was a losing battle when I had to name it for the home LAN), but now the programs on it?

Oh, gods, I just derezzed 64 programs in the recycling bin before starting the movie. With a right-click. I'm irredeemably evil, since I didn't give the OS a chance to try and change my mind, just watched the progress of the recycle bin emptying on a bar graph.

And why the hell does Grammarly think that should be "programmes"? Granted there's no version setting, US vs the rest of the world, but for an intuitive program, it should figure out I don't use international English spelling. Not that much, at least.

I need a fucking cigarette, and no, not for that reason. I haven't gotten that far in the fic yet. Of course, it's a Tron kinkmeme, fill. Really, what else would it be at this point? Don't answer. Just...don't.

i need to lay off something, i can't even blame this on coffee, i can't make this shit up, wtf?, writing

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