The Art of Negotiating
Author: Rhiannon -
Fandom: Firefly and Stargate Atlantis
Characters: Mal Reynolds, Zoe Washburne, Elizabeth Weir, John Sheppard, Teyla Emmagan, Rodney McKay
Summary: “Here’s how I see it: we need a place to call home an’ you could use someone with experience tradin’.”
Word Count: 1,200 exactly
Genre: gen
Rating: PG/pre-teen
Series: Atlantis That Was - challenge table and complete list of stories hereDisclaimer: This is not the universe where I own both Firefly and the Stargate franchise.
Author's Notes:
crossovers100 prompt #42 - triangle. Xie-xie to lvs2read. All mistakes are my own.
Crossposted at crossovers100 , firefly_plus, serenity_gate, and stargate_xing.
Mal looked casually around the conference room. Doctor Weir and Teyla sat on one side of the table and both seemed to be genuinely interested in what he had to say. Colonel Sheppard and Doctor McKay sat at the second side. While Colonel Sheppard appeared to be somewhat interested, Doctor McKay didn’t even bother to as he tapped away on his computer.
"Let me see if I have this all worked out right. You expect a few vaccines and tellin’ folk how to build a better hut to buy you food?" Mal asked with a raised eyebrow. “You got how many mouths to feed here?”
“About two-hundred in the city, plus about fifty Athosians on the mainland who are mostly self-sufficient,” Doctor Weir said evenly.
Mal turned to one side. “Zoe, does that sound like a lot of mouths to feed?”
“Yes, sir. It does sound like quite a few hungry folk.”
“Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but the only one among you that has any real experience tradin’ is you,” Mal said as he tilted his head toward Teyla.
Teyla nodded slightly, acknowledging Mal, but said nothing.
“Captain Reynolds, I have negotiated many treaties...” Elizabeth began.
“Exactly my point. Treaties ain’t nothin’ like tradin’ for food an’ the like,” Mal cut her off. “Here’s how I see it: we need a place to call home an’ you could use someone with experience tradin’. Now, some of the folk from Serenity ain’t as keen traders as Zoe, Jayne, and myself, but I’m guessin’ the Doc would be willin’ to help out in your infirmary if you ask him nice enough. His sister is a right genius an’ I figure she’ll fit in here with the rest of you geniuses, even if she is a mite whimsical. Inara and Shepherd Book might surprise you. They both got skills that I’m guessin’ that none of your people do, an’ have always been willin’ to lend a hand when things got tough before we ended up here. Not to mention that Wash is a mighty fine pilot an’ I’m sure he wouldn’t have any trouble with your fancy little ships.”
Elizabeth looked directly at Mal with a look he’d seen on Zoe many times in the past, calculating and impassive. She seemed to weigh his words before turning to Colonel Sheppard.
“John, what do you think?”
John faced Mal. “Can you take orders?”
“Shuh muh? I’m, sorry. What?” Mal asked.
“I know that you’re used to being in charge, as captain of your own ship. I also know that you have prior military service, as does Zoe. What I need to know is if you can take orders. From me.”
“Are you makin’ an offer, Colonel?”
“Yes, we are. We’re offering you a position as a member of base security, which is under my command. You would have the chance to go off-world as a member of the off-world teams. You would also have a permanent home, here on Atlantis.”
“An’ if any of us refuse your offer?”
“If you decide not to stay in Atlantis and join the expedition, you will have two options. We will escort you to a world in this galaxy that is friendly to refugees, where you will be left to make a living on your own,” Elizabeth said evenly. “You will not be allowed to return to Atlantis, and you will only be allowed to take whatever personal possessions you can carry through the Gate. Your second option would be to fly the Serenity to the only other vaguely habitable planet in this solar system, which is a desert wasteland.”
“Trust me, you really don’t want to go there,” Rodney said quietly, looking up from his computer. “The only thing you’ll find there are bodies.”
“Those don’t sound like very appealin’ options, Doctor Weir.”
“Those options are essentially what all the inhabitants of this galaxy have, Captain Reynolds,” Teyla said. “The Wraith keep most cultures from advancing and becoming a threat. I believe this world is the best protection from the Wraith, which is why the remainder of my people moved to the mainland after our homeworld was Culled by the Wraith.” Teyla paused for a moment before continuing. “If you do not wish to live in the city, you and your people would be welcome to live on the mainland, with the rest of my people.”
Mal leaned back in his seat and looked around the conference room, letting the seconds draw out before speaking.
“I need to speak with my crew before I make any sort of decision,” he said.
“Actually,” Elizabeth said, “Most of those who arrived on your ship have already expressed a desire to stay on Atlantis. The two of you and Mr. Washburne are the only ones who haven’t told anyone of your intentions.”
“Ma’am, my husband and I will stay on Atlantis,” Zoe said quickly.
“Welcome to the team,” John smiled.
“Now wait a gorramn minute! You just gonna take the first offer these folk make you?” Mal asked, barely containing his frustration.
“With all due respect, sir, we’ve had plenty of time to decide if this is a place we could stay. I believe this is our best option,” Zoe said calmly.
Mal turned to face Elizabeth and John, leaning over the table.
“Here’s my conditions, for me an’ Zoe.”
“We’re listening,” Elizabeth said.
“Yes, we are both former military, an’ no doubt you know what our former ranks are. You’re fightin’ the Wraith, an’ from what I’ve been told, it’s a cause worth fightin’ for. Sergeant, for both of us, if we’re goin’ to be a part of your security, military, or whatever you want to call it. Next, on Serenity, I’m her captain an’ I’m in charge. Not a soul goes on her without my permission, an’ me, Zoe, or Kaylee will be with them at all times...”
“Oh, please,” Rodney cut him off. “Like we need your permission to enter your ship if you’re not here. Even if you lock the doors we can just cut our way in anytime we want.”
“That ain’t ever gonna happen ‘cause I’ll send her to the bottom of the sea before I let any of you go muckin’ around inside Serenity without someone there. Don’t think for one second I’m not serious about that,” Mal said quietly, glaring at Rodney before turning back to Elizabeth and John. “Lastly, I’m serious about you folk an’ your tradin’. You need help, and tradin’ is what I do.”
Mal watched as they all absorbed his words. Elizabeth and John faced each other, appearing to be having a silent conversation. Rodney rolled his eyes and went back to tapping on his computer while Teyla watched them, carefully veiled curiosity on her face. Finally, Elizabeth and John faced Mal and Zoe again, both smiling.
“Sergeants Reynolds and Washburne, allow me to be the first to officially welcome you to the Atlantis Expedition,” Elizabeth said as she stood and extended her hand across the table.
Mal reached across and shook her hand, although part of him wondered if the outcome of this meeting had been determined before he had ever walked through the doors.